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it's like that, and thats the way it was.....

please god.
i am begging someone. please buy me this from top shop.
 ok, flash back :

it's 1998 and everyone is doing that pathetic dance thing were you line up and pretend to breakdance (never mind that breakdancing was invented in the 80's, this is 90's Ireland and a room full of white middle class kids, we were always going to be a bit behind)
now, i have the edge. i have been taking gymnastics since i was 7, i am not 13, so you get the picture. so i jump up and land in the splits, something i have been doing for a while now.
and tore a ligament in my leg.
so you see, no one else has experienced pain like this to the beautiful rap of run dmc like i have....i need this top. to remind me. 

stop fucking showing off!

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