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I have flowers forming everywhere, 
my succulents and cactus love it in the greenhouse.

 My pitcher plant is regrowing, pus the other two are both producing flowers, I'm not sure if you can see, but there are flies in them, these three plants keep the insects down.
 Salad and herbs, next month these will be outside.
 my lower shelf, loads of seeds and pips.
 Soft wood cuttings, been in here for a few days.
 Lupins, Cosmos and purchased Coleus, the Coleus had shallow roots, so these are in here to get a bit bigger before planting out. 
 My bleeding heart did not do very well in the garden last year, so I have potted it to help it grow stronger, I will plant it back out next year. 
My greenhouse is a good size, and I try and use it fully all through the year, I do have a cucumber plant in a huge pot inside, I open the door early each morning, it gets sun most of the day.
I have to call the greenhouse a glasshouse, Will got very confused with me, I could see his face saying 'but it's not green'.
Yesterday was a perfect rest day, we had our loungers outside on our new decking, resting, reading gardening magazines, my subscription for Gardeners World has ended, I have had a copy delivered every month for 2 years. I have kept every copy, they are a good reference, but I won't subscribe again.
The sky had lovely soft white fluffy clouds floating across, and was very interesting, and it was very hot. We had another small BBQ later.
Today we have to purchase the last of the blue slate for the garden, then other than planting, which is never done with, everywhere will finished.
So on the eve of another Bank Holiday, we have nothing to do, and loads of time to do it.
I will post photo's of garden next time.

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