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Bliss Kiss Pure Nail Oil Review

About four weeks ago an unthinkable tragedy happened and I broke a nail. OK, so maybe it wasn't so dramatic, but I was pretty pouty and if you follow me on Instagram, you might have witnessed my self pity fest. One of the people that did happen to catch my 'devastation' was Ana, the creator of Bliss Kiss Pure Nail Oil. I had heard such wonderful reviews of her oil and even tried it once when a friend let me use her pen. I had been planing to order one for myself, but Ana was kind enough to offer me a sample of the oil to get me started. The oil when used regularly helps improve the strength and flexibility of the nails which keeps them from breaking as easily...

Warning, lots of nakie nail shots ahead and some of them ain't pretty...

Bliss Kiss is a pure nail oil made with Jojoba Wax Ester, Grape Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil! That's it! No chemicals, no ingredients you can't pronounce! The oil is very light and not greasy. It is available either unscented or with essential oils for a light citrus scent name Crisp. The pen has a brush tip which makes applying the oil very easy and mess free...

I don't usually go nakie for an extended period of time, but since my nails were shorties and I was in no mood to swatch or create nail art, it was the perfect chance to really try the oil out. I went nakie for a full week. I started out by taking Ana's 3-Day Hydration Treatment challenge, the directions for which are included with the pen or you can check them out on her website. Basically you go with nakie nails for a few days while using the oil. On the first day you apply the oil A LOT and then decrease the number of times you apply per day based on how much your nails need.

Starting out... 
My left hand that serves as my "model" for the blog is generally in good shape. The cuticles do get dry very easily despite the fact that I apply various cuticle care products. I always apply a bit of cuticle oil before taking photos to smooth the issues out, but when my nails are oil free, they typically look like this..

Now here is my dirty little secret. The Cinderella hand that does all the work, but you don't often see is subject to not only to dryness, but my nerves. I subconsciously pick at the cuticles when I get stressed. The dryness makes it easy to find something to pick at. Ugh, shame on me! *Slaps hand*. This is actually rather embarrassing and I debated whether I should post it here at all, but I think full disclosure for this review is necessary...

24 hours...
During the first 24 hours, I used the oil after every hand washing and as soon as the cuticles and nails would start to look/feel dry. Although I didn't time it exactly, I'm pretty sure I applied the oil about every 2 hours (except at night). The pen and I were pretty much attached at the hip for this first day.

For this shot my hands are freshly washed and dried. They have no oil on them to 'hide' anything. I could see the difference in my cuticles right away. They are nice and soft, not dry as they usually are. The nails are looking shiny too...

The right hand was looking 100x better. Not only was the dryness gone, but some of the damage from picking had started to heal. At this point it was hard for me to tell if I was picking less because of the improved state of the cuticles or because I was thinking about the nails and needing to reapply the oil all day long...

48 hours...
Here again my hands are freshly washed and no oil on them for the photos. The cuticles are looking much better and I can see a difference even from 24 to 48 hours. Some of the trouble areas are starting to soften up...

Looking great, still not picking and the cuticles are so soft. I'm having a hard time believing this is the same hand that I started out with just 48 hrs ago...

72 hours... 
Ok, I spaced out and didn't take photos at 72 hours for the last day of the 3-Day challenge. Sorry! Believe me they were looking even better than above after the full 3-day challenge. I highly recommend taking this challenge!

1 week later... 
I had worked at a clinic majority of the week and was applying Purell every 15 minutes plus washing my hands throughout the day. Applying oil would have been a waste, so I was down to applying it only a couple of times a day, in the morning and before bed. I was so surprised that the cuticles stayed in great shape despite the torture that I put them through. I did loose the corner of one nail in a fight with a file cabinet...

2 weeks later... 
I'm just going to let the photo do the talking here. As you can see they still look (and feel) great. I had been applying the oil just 2-3 times a day during the 2nd week...

I really can't get over this change. I can look at my hand and at point during the day and it looks like this. No more dry cuticles, damage has healed now. Whenever I catch myself starting to pick, I apply the oil in that spot instead. My bad habit isn't 'cured', but it is much less of an issue these days because there is less to pick at...

After 2 weeks, I have a teeny bit left in my sample pen...

... but have no fear, I've already stocked up and bought a refill bottle to make sure I don't run out. I'm definitely a fan of this nail oil..

A little nail humor that just seemed appropriate...

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Product provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **

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