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Was Gabourey Sidibe rude to several Washington reporters?

Gabourey Sidibe arrives at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington

Oh noes! HuffPo just compiled the worst grouping of criticism about my girl, Gabourey Sidibe. I’ve defended Gaby so many times – partly because I hate the way everyone gangs up on her, and partly because I’ve always thought she comes across as a really sweet, funny, positive young woman. Not so much, if these reports can be believed. And I tend to think they could be – these are anecdotal stories from Washington reporters. I’m not saying Washington reporters don’t lie, I’m just saying that I don’t see why they would lie about this.

Washington Post columnist/blogger Jonathan Capehart took to his blog to complain about how “mean” Sidibe was when he approached her at the Correspondents’ Dinner last weekend:

It’s always a let-down when folks you’ve admired or respected from afar turn out to be jerks in person. Case in point: Gabourey Sidibe, the Oscar-nominated actress in the title role of “Precious.”

Y’all know how much I loved the powerful film from director Lee Daniels about an obese New York City teenager enduring unspeakable abuse at the hands of her parents. After Oscar night, I wrote, “I was rooting for Gabourey Sidibe for best actress. But the moment edgy comedienne Mo’Nique won the Oscar for supporting actress, I knew that the divine Sidibe was toast.” But after meeting Sidibe at the White House Correspondents dinner and hearing about others’ negative encounters with her, I’m putting down my pompoms.

I was thrilled to spot her at a table laughing uproariously with the man sitting to her right. “I know you’re having a good time and I’m sorry to interrupt,” I began. My next sentence didn’t come out because Sidibe shouted over the din, “Yeah, come back in five minutes!” Thinking she was joking, I laughed and pretended to walk away. When I noticed that the look in her eyes meant she was serious, I walked back to her and said, “I just wanted to congratulate you on your nomination. I thought your performance was spectacular. I even wrote a column about it.” After wishing her good luck, I rejoined my friends.

Back at the table, I sheepishly related the incident to my colleague Jo-Ann Armao. “Oh! She’s horrible,” Armao said in her wonderfully blunt way. She told me that she saw Sidibe at the pre-cocktails and told her that she’d seen “Precious” three times (an amazing emotional feat that only adds to my awe of Armao) and that she thought Sidibe’s performance was “incandescent.” What was Sidibe’s response? “I guess I should say, ‘Thank you.’”

At the MSNBC after party, the partner of a “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” producer said to me, “Look! There’s Gabby Sidibe. I’m going to ask her to take a picture with me.” I warned him, “She’s mean.” To which he said, “I don’t care. I just want a picture.” I didn’t see what went down, but the dejected fan came back and said incredulously, “She said no.” No doubt the constant interruptions and jostling are bothersome. Her ever-shrinking zone of privacy must be irksome, too. And there’s no law that says Sidibe has to show grace to her fans or appreciation for their kind words. But a true star would.

At a dinner for the BET Honors back in January here in Washington, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Oscar-nominated actress and singer Queen Latifah. To be honest, I expected to get the Sidibe treatment. Instead, Latifah was as interesting as she was interested. She greeted fans who came over with a smile and warmth that made people happy they worked up the courage just to say hello. Latifah knows that without fans she has no career. Sidibe’s behavior shows she has yet to learn that.

[From Capehart’s blog post at WaPo]

Yikes, right? I mean, I can’t even find a justification for this, something along the lines of “she was just minding her own business, the guy sounds like an a-hole.” Because she sounds like the a-hole, and Capehart sounds like he was just trying to politely geek out on her because he liked her performance. And they were at a public function – one in which I’m sure Gaby was invited as a guest of a media outlet. The only thing I question is why Capehart – who is black, just FYI – decided that he should compare Gaby’s behavior to Queen Latifah’s? Is that the only other celebrity he’s ever met? Or is it because they’re both black women?

HuffPo also noted this incident, as recounted by MediaBistro:

So, who was the weekend’s biggest (no pun intended) disappointment so far?

FishbowlDC heard the same complaint throughout last night: Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe, star of ‘Precious’ was “not so precious at all,” “anything but precious” and some comments were less complimentary than that.

When asked for a picture, the less-than-enthused newbie star could barely crack a smile. One photo-seeking fan said jokingly, “that’s all you’re going to give me,” to the pouty Precious. Gabby responded, “you’ll get what I give you.”

Later in the evening FishbowlDC overheard a Politico reporter asking Gabby for a quick interview. Gabby replied, “one question” and then proceeded to give the reporter a one-word answer. When asked a follow up Q, not-so-Precious said, “sounds like three questions, good night.”

Note to Gabby: You’re already 5 into your 15 minutes of fame so simmer down.

[From Media Bistro]

Ugh. It’s far more likely that Gaby is this person being described, rather than several prominent Washington reporters/bloggers all making up some sh-t about Gaby. So I have my own note to Gaby: it’s okay to be a bitch. It’s okay to stand up for yourself. It’s okay to not be in the mood for fans. But you still need to be a professional when you’re appearing at a public function in which reporters will note your every mood and action. If you don’t want to be bothered, don’t go. I don’t care if you’re uncomfortable, I don’t care if you have yet to learn how to handle your fans and your stardom. Buck up and be a pro, or don’t go. Your attendance is not mandatory. And if you continue to act like this, no will invite you anywhere anyway.

Gabourey Sidibe arrives at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington

TIME/CNN/People/Fortune 2010 White House Correspondents' Dinner Pre-Party

Was Gabourey Sidibe rude to several Washington reporters?

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Was Gabourey Sidibe rude to several Washington reporters?


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